
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thanks Julian

A fellow zinester donated a few doubles from their collection and we here are the arrow are happy to hive them a home. thanks!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Montreal (A) Bookfair Loot!

Hey folks!
here is the loot I brought back from the MTL Anarchist Bookfair! Lots of cool stuff! You can find it all in the box labeled 'New' on the top shelf at the library in the next few days. Some highlights include:

Broke Ass #4
Hey Lady #4
FIT:a zine about sports, fatness, feminism, and disability
A.P.J #3 Timmy's per zine, this one is about injury.  a few stories written by friends who have sufferd traumatic injury
A.P.J #4  Another of Timmy's perzines, this one is about their exprinces with religion while growing up.
Culture Slut #25
The Gender Neutral Bathroom Challenge
We are Beautiful: Trans and Gender Queer Portraits