Radical Self Healing
There are two sections in this zine, the first is Jessica’s own recipes for physical and mental healing written in her own hand. These recipes include a cold and flu remedy, migraine prevention,anxiety relief and many more. The second section (found in the middle of the zine) includes art submitted by friends, affirmations and healing words brought to life in beautiful full color photographs and art. Radical Self Healing is a practical zine where in Jessica didn’t worry about making every page a work of art. Jessica’s focus in this zine is about getting these recipes and tips out into the world and sharing her knowledge and experiences in a vital and authentic way.
Jessica Montebello, 36pgs, color cover and art.
This Insane Life: Mad Pride Hamilton’s Occasional Zine #1
Great Zine by a new mental health/illness Group based in Hamilton. This first issue contains an array of articles, art, poetry and theory all written by Mad identified folks.The zine on a Whole has a da da inspired design with images and text not always where you expect to find it. It inspires and excites me to know that self identified mad folks (who identify in many different ways) are writing, creating, and producing a zine about the topic that affects their lives in a large (and sometimes small) way. Not only a cathartic zine an informative and eye opening one!
Mad Pride Hamilton B/W 54pgs www.madpridehamilton.ca
Ring of Fire #3
On the first page Hillery Homosex is
pretty upfront about who she is and why she had both legs amputated.
This is the third installment of her zine for radical crips,
perverts, and limbless creatures. its a zine of many page and those
pages are filled with handwritten thoughts and explanations about the
barriers that Hillery faces in her daily life. Articles are sometimes
disconnect from one another but this contributes to the over all
journalling theme. This is a very personal; zine that I can’t
seem to put down, their are so many details of Hillery's that if find
fascinating and this zine does a great job of educating folks about
crip life. Sexy times are a big topic in ROF3 and Hillery covers sexy
topics such as mastubation in the tub and using a strap on dildo for
the first time. Comics are a simple and creative way to convey
emotions and situations and ROF3 has comics! Some are drawn by the
author and some are by guest artists illustrating their struggles as
radical crips and perverts. Also a ROF anthology is soon to be
released with Left Bank Books in Seattle.
Half size, 91 pages
Arrow Archive Location: Physical Health
Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine
An art zine disguised as a colouring
book, disguised as a recipe book. Sheena, the author has chosen to
educate us about our bodies by using foods that look like our body
parts and then continues to teach us how that food with help/ heal
that specific body part. Like the tomato, featured on the cover as
Sheena says 'has four chambers and is red. The heart has four
chambers and is red.' She goes onto tell us about Lycopine in
tomatoes is food for the heart and blood. The drawings are fun and
leave lots of space for you to add your own colour. This zine is best
for anyone who eats food and likes bite sized information.
Half sized, 32 pages
Contact: sheenaswirlz@gmail.com
Arrow Archive Location: Food
This zine is filled with color pictures of dogs taken by Alice with some words about dog and what she thinks of them by Emily. The Images are not your average photos of dogs which are usually taken from a persons perspective, above them. These images are taken at the dogs level and are a lot out of focus, Kinda like how dogs see themselves. Really neat concept, I like it. This zine is made by a Guelph resident.
Quarter sized, 16 pgs This zine is made by a Guelph resident.
Arrow Archive Location: Art Zines
Goin' out east: an audio zine by byron.
Audio zines are a new thing to me and
even though I don't know much about them I think byron has achieved
creating an eclectic and interesting collection of sounds and
recordings. A few tracks are people talking, telling stories, or
folks playing music but most are of sounds that byron has chosen to
share with us. Track seven it is one of my favorites it is labeled
'cleaning light fixtures in the shrine room at ddl' I can clearly
hear the sound of dampened glass being rubbed and wiped but
suspending reality I can hear so many different sounds, pigs
squealing and grunting and birds chirping. We play skeeball, ride the
ferry, and listen to Maso play a song. Experience the unexpected Ted
and give a listen to byron's audio zine.
20 tracks on a CD-R. This zine is made
by a Guelph resident.
Arrow Archive Location: Media
Never Again:a treatise on dwindling
abortion access in Canada
Beautiful cut and paste zine, very
informative and well researched like a lot of bender's zines.
Personal stories are pasted next to statistics. Bender discusses the
problem of state being too involved with church which is one of the
root problems of abortion access in Canada. Includes that
particularly creepy picture of Stephen Harper holding a kitten, in
other words his breakfast.-e.war
Half size,18 pgs
Broken thunder:The Story of The Passenger Pigeon
The passenger pigeon was once so common on Turtle Island (north america) that migrating flocks darkened the sky for days. More then ant long-winded political treatise, the story of this bird's extinction illustrates the destructive nature of colonialism and capitalism. This story is passionately written and heartbreaking in its brevity: Once there were millions, now there are none. All the green consumerism in the world won't bring them back. This zine is an essential addition to the collection of any nature-loving zinester.
Half size, 6pgs
APJ#3 - Scar and Skull
Timmy has done it this time and
collected some awesomely gruesome and sometimes frightening accident
stories. Falling from a roof during some urban redecoration, sledding
down stairs, and more. All the shocking details and I mean that quiet
literally many of these folks describe the bone crunching, blood
clotting denial of shock. If you like alittle gore with your
cornflakes or just like to twist your face in horror ask timmy to
send you a copy.-e.war
Half size, 20 pgs
I never read zines back to front, I
start at the front then flip to the back then to the middle then read
forward, I'll flip around till I find the parts I really like, with
Dave and Maranda's zines I do this same but a lot slower because
fascinated every part. I picked up EMJ 11 & 12 and have to say
have after reading 10 (which was bigger, longer, and more intense,
where I learned about Dave's life, pain, goals, barriers, triumphs,
and loses) and getting an update from these subsequent zines was very
satisfying. Dave still faces barriers on a daily basis. By hearing
about the changes that Dave implement's on a daily basis. I have said
this before and will say it again and by no means mean this in a
patronizing way, I find EMJ truly inspiring. I may not have the same
issues that EMJ talks about but I can relate, I think a lot of folks
can. Write Dave a little letter and they'll send you a little zine.
Maranda and Dave are dedicated to
communicating though zines, the zines they both make are touching,
organic, and beautiful. I hope they don't mind that I reviewed their
zines here together.
Real Life, A Magical Guide to Getting
Off the Internet, is a collaborative zine by Maranda and Dave about
their addiction to the internet. In this zine they both identify
problems found with their internet usage, how they use it and why,
and most importantly how it makes each of them feel. There are lists,
and I am one for lists. I like lists because I some times don't need
whole paragraphs and sentences to relate to emotions that the listed
item can bring, albeit that emotion maybe a lot different then what
that author feels but reading is an internalized thing, it is
something we do for ourselves, not unlike writing.The lists are an easy intro to the
things that the over consumption of internet can make the authors
feel. I found this zine an important contribution, identifying that
we (in the first world) live in a world forever connected and letting
us know that it is okay to pull the plug, hit the switch, leave your
phone at home, and not check your
email/blog/twitter/newsfeed/myspace/facebook/ right now, today, or
tomorrow. We are still living, breathing, important, beautiful people
with out the internet.
Everbody Moon Jump and Real Life:
Dave Cave, 122 Cambray Rd, Cameron Ontario, K0M 1G0
Real Life and Many other awesome zines:
Maranda Elizabeth, Box 1689, Guelph Ontario, N1H 6Z9
Todi likes to make zines, travel and
write letters. In the intro Todi says he going to 'just wing it' and
throw together a zine, well the end product is fascinating and has
great DIY feeling about it. This zine is full of hitchhiking stores
and journal entries about working shitty jobs in halifax.
Half Letter, 40 pages
Arrow Archive Location: Perzines
A rare gem! This is a fucking great
zine made by black punks for black punks. There is a lot of martial
about black role models within the punk/ rock and roll subculture
with a focus on female rockers. An interview with Brontez (creator of
the zine Fag School) really floated my boat. Completely
readable DIY punk zine, yeah!
Half Letter, 28 pages
Arrow Archive Location: Fanzine: music
Written by, for and about sex workers. Lusty Day is our editor here and has collected a few very accessible writings about sex work, money, and other things that whores write, talk, and think about. This issue of Whorelicious was complied mainly in Australia and Lusty herself writes differences between working here in Canada to working in the down under. This is just the frist intall ment of Whorelicious and I have my eye peeled for the next issue!half legal size, 26 pgs
Arrow Archive Location:Work
Everybody Moon Jump
Dave has done it again only this time bigger. I just about read this zine all in one sitting if it weren’t for bus transfers and moving about in my commute to the Peak office. I have been reading Dave’s zines for a while now ever since I picked up EMJ way back in I'unno when. I have always found Dave's writing to be funny and soulfully honest. When I read EMJ I feel that I am an ear that Dave whispers his deepest darkest secretes to. But don't get me wrong when Dave writes it is for an audience entertaining us with jokes and silly quips but with also heartfelt confessions that many if not all of us can realte to in one way or another. In EMJ 10 Dave writes from his Parents house, again having to need a break from another overwhelming time. EMJ is Dave's confessional, his therapist, and his best-friend. I found this issue heartbreaking, when he writes about his childhood anorexia and inspirational by just by his writing about his experiences. Thumbs up Dave keep on writing. Can't wait for the next installment of EMJ!
Dibenu Zins (butt zine)
I just about ate this one alive, historical articles about bisexuality and homosexuality in the ancient world, well researched and fascinating. Also a few mythbusting articles about butt sex in the christian faith and one about homosexuality in the jewish faith. Even if you no into god this zine is a great read with a academic feeling without all the abstract concepts and huge words.
Half Size, 40 pgs
Arrow Archive Location: Queer
Queers Read This
Local queers re-designed an old classic. This version acknowledges its U.S.centric and out of date content but highlights that the info contained is still relevant. QRT is an anti-assimilation rant written in NYC at the hight of the aids crisis in 1990. The authors define straightness as different from heterosexuality and say straightness is a force in the world and inside each of us that we must purge. A controversial but good read for everyone.
contact: fierce.n.fabulous1069@gmail.comHalf Size, 19 pages
Arrow Archive Location: Queer
One Way Ticket: Lucky Number Seven Beautiful two colour letter pressed cover. Time and care went into not only the writing of this zine but the appearance too. Design is slick and coherent to the content. Stories are honest reflections of the authors experiences moving to a new city. The stories in OWT read like listening to a friend tell travelling stories with enough literary body to make it a good read.
Quarter Size, 60 pages
Arrow Archive Location: Per Zines
Burning Bridges Anonymous collection of writings by anarchists about Southern Ontario. Articles are in depth and well researched but at times can be wordy and a little academic. Starting somewhere in the middle of the zine has a side bar filled with acts sabotage and resistance in chronological order, little bits of news, which are so easily over looked but highlighted here in BB. Layout is stimulating and consistent throughout. This a well thought out anarchist publication.
Full Size, 42 pages
Arrow Archive Location: (A)