Through ancient ways of the zine and
diy magic, i have made contacts with a prolific
zinester from San Fransisco these are just some of the titles that where sent in trade to the library:
BoxCar Debaucheryby:
sarah and
veronikaoh dear, a sweaty story about two dirty hobos.
Coloring book for the Broken heartedby:
Sy Loadyscreen printed cover with pages for any broken hearted lover to fill with color.
(please photocopy the pages you'd like to color don not color the zine... tx)Page Zine #1by:
homegirlFan zine about the history of the new kids on the block, yes you read the right.
Go Fuck Yourselfby:Annie Danger
second copy of this fabulous
DIY zine.
(no this don't mean you can take the other copy home for good... tx)BOY/GIRL zine #4issue four of this popular zine. enjoy, you gender questioning people!
The Orafice #1 and #2From San
Franciscothe Paper
for the people, a queer community paper